Category Archives: Videos

A post being a video just means it’s a video. That’s it.

Search For Truth (Video)

Asking the big questions in life. Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where do we go? Is there a God? Does science conflict with religion?
Interviews with evolutionists, creationists, atheism activists, and Christian evangelists.
This will hopefully get the conversation started in your life.

This documentary was directed and written by Jon Topping, and is the property of Niagara College. All rights to media used in this film have been acquired.

Should we condemn Rob Bell? (Video)

When Rob Bell came out with his controversial book Love Wins, many Christians spoke and wrote quite condemning, and many other Christians strongly opposed this condemnation. The mindset of today’s culture is that everyone can do/say whatever they want, and this is justified by verses like “judge not lest ye be judged.” In this video I talk about whether or not Christians should condemn Rob Bell.

Evangelism (Video)

This is from 2009, at Central Community Church.

The Church today doesn’t seem to be up to par with the early Church in terms of evangelism. We should depend on the power of God, live according to His purpose, ask Him for opportunities, and the wisdom to take advantage of those opportunities. I discuss these things and others in this talk.